stacking rock and sump plans


New Member
I was just wondering i have a 50 gal fish-reef tank I have 25 pounds lr. 25 # ls. yellow tang 2 rock anem. button pylups. dottyback 2 red leg 2 blue leg 2 yel tailed damsels. 1 tomato clown, sifting star. 5 snails. 2 50/50 and 2 daylight 40 w lightes.
Is it good to stack rock against the wall or just in the middle. I would think they fall over, all in the middle.
I have a 30 gal sump and diy overflow. It sucks I dont want to spend 60-100 $$ on one. Anyone have any good plans for a sump overflow and return thats quiet. My overflow is 2" pvc and powerhead siphin. return is a rio 2100 .....