stacking rocks?


Active Member
Are you going to have some creature that is likely to make them fall? I've never worried about the rocks and there's never been any disasters. I just stack them on each other. You can usually get them pretty stable. I have an engineer goby in one tank and even he hasn't caused any problems yet.


New Member
Originally Posted by hagfish
Are you going to have some creature that is likely to make them fall? I've never worried about the rocks and there's never been any disasters. I just stack them on each other. You can usually get them pretty stable. I have an engineer goby in one tank and even he hasn't caused any problems yet.
i have them stacked but only two layers but i cant stack them any higher


Active Member
How wide is your tank? And how deep? If you have a typicaly 12 1/2 " tank, they are difficult to landscape. It is possible to go higher than 2 layers though. Maybe you need some different rock shapes.
You can use pvc pipes to help stack if you think that's easier. Super glue gel works too, but it's not going to work on heavy rocks. I think wire ties work as well. I've actually seen people put eggcrate on the back and wire tie the rocks to the eggcrate.


Active Member
I've been able to stack pretty much to the top of my 72 on one side without much effort. I would think you could stack it high enough with rocks alone. But like I saide, you could try pvc or super glue or something.


Active Member
I've seen it done several different ways and depending how often you plan to rearrange your aquascaping comes into play....For my new 240 setup I contemplating drilling an using small diameter acrylic rod to put the pieces together....I don't rearrange very often, but it would prevent rock slides that I've seen and heard people talk about......It would also make it easier to get the pieces exactly where you want them even if you can't sit them in place without anything, so you get exactly what you want, but will take time to drill and all......I've heard of people using epoxy, but again if you need to move pieces around your kind of stuck if there glued together.....
My current tank the rock is stacked and haven't had any rock slides (knock on wood), but some pieces would just look better elsewhere, but could build it solidly like it should be.....Depending on width of tank also helps in aquascaping as well