Stand Pipe addition


I just made and installed a duro standpipe in my Oceanic 72RR bowfront! I cant say how much of a difference this made in noise level. No more waterfall! No more toilet flushing! I wish I had done this from the beggining!
Oh yeah. Hi everyone, Ive been reading for a while, Im a freshwater guy converting to a reef sometime this year!


Right now it is a African Chiclid tank, A lot of river rocks and a sand bottom.
I have 5 African Chiclids and 2 Blue Gouramis. They are wonderfully colored for freshwaterfish. (2 Yellow, 2 black/Yellow that change colors, and 1 Electric Blue)
I hope to turn it into a reef sometime this year.


Shane I am having a big time problem withmy loud over flows do yours hagn on the tank or is your tank drilled do you have pics of it? I would love to see your durso pics and maybe we can make a deal on you building me one :) I am the worst when it comes to building things...and will pay anyone for them to put one of those together for me for 2 hang on overflows


Mines drilled and looks exactly one thats found here.
I can take a pic if you like. Also looks at the link and click on Durso Standpipe then take a look at the
External Overflow Standpipe Design
Compact Design for Hang-on Overflow Boxes
The second one looks extremly easy to make!
Let me know if you thinks its too big of a task and Ill try and help you out,


Active Member
Here is a pic of mine before installation.

They are very easy to make, just check out durso's homepage. You can get it together and installed in under 10 minutes. Start with a very small hole, if the overflow still makes the toliet noise, increase the hole size until it stops.
To make the compact version, just use a saw and cut as close to the elbow as possible and as close to the T as you can, then use a piece of pipe to connect them together. See in my pic how close the elbow and T are.