Stand Pipes


I have read the threads on here about the durso stand pipes. I tried making one (pretty easy!). I have a HOB overflow box and the portion on the outside of the tank is split into two sections. The one side has the U-tube from the tank and other, which is only (at most) 2 sq inches, is not big enough for me to fit in a durso.
Any suggestions.
Raising the tube height in the drainage side should prevent the noise, but will it present other problems with drainage then?


Active Member
from what i understand is that durso stands only work for Reef ready / pre drilled tanks, and not HOB over flow set ups. my brother on the otherrhand found some schematics for his overflows that work similar to the durso concept. it had a name im not sure what it was, but instead of the upside down U shaped Durso, this was like a large cup upsidedown, on top of a smaller cup that was inside the overflow box.


Active Member
do a search for "stockman" pipe. it is very similar to a durso pipe, but it's for overflows. i built both of mine for under $10 in pvc.