Stand up filter and nitrate reduction?


I purchased a stand up filstar canistar filter to go along with my sump system to help clear the water a bit more. I have 2 bags of chemi-pure in the system along with the filter media to trap particles. No stars or balls or any other media.
Is there anything that I can do to reduce the nitrate level in the tank further down from the 10 - 20 reading I am getting now? I am thinking of adding something to the filter boxes to help this...any ideas?
Before I clean the tank and do a 20G water change every other week I stir up the sand and dust off any rocks and then do the change to remove as much crap as I am at a loss as to what it could be...I also wash the sponges and change out the micron bag in the sump...I am using an ASM G2 skimmer as well and thats working great!
I feed either 1 cube of mysis/bloodworms either half twice a day or 1 cube once a day with the sump being off and they eat it. I just have a diamond goby, 2 clowns, 1 six line wrasse, coral banded and cleaner shrimp along with 1 emerald crab...I feel that I should actually feed more but I have done just the 1 now without a problem.
I know I may have posted this a bit ago but I am at a loss here....maybe add more live rock? I have 90-100ibs in it now so other readings are 0 but the nitrate...
btw I had a yellow tang and hippo but due to ich the hippos passed and I did remove it out of the system...the yellow tang is now in another tank healing up so there are no algae clips or anything dead in the tank to be causing this..
Sorry long winded...thanks for any advice!