

New Member
:rolleyes: I have a 10 gallon nano that I really enjoy, it keeps me entertained since I am disabled due to MS. I am thinking about buying a 12 gallon bowfront eclipse to turn into a nano also. I am wondering if I could build a stand that has to shelves and maybe a drawer in the bottom to keep my supplies. Does anyone have any ideas?


Active Member
Is a 12g bow the same width as your 10g?
Trying to get an idea for ya'. Sorry, I think kinda slow :rolleyes:
The biggest problem I see with this idea is the lack of clearance at the top of the tanks, for maintenence purposes. :confused:


Active Member
you could make a stand very easily. Just plan it out on paper....measure twice cut once. Use good sturdy wood. Oak is the best IMO if you can shell out the money. A height of 5 feet would be good to hold both of your tanks and supplies underneath. Do a search in the DIY forum on tank stands to get some ideas. HTH


New Member
thanks a lot for the info. I knew I was going to have to do oak for the sheer weight of two reef nanos. I am thinking about either a lift up door that will allow access or open sides on the stand? Any opinions?:)


Active Member
cool idea.... I'd just make sure you have excellent support underneath the tanks ...
A side slide sounds excellent!


Here's the stand I built for my 20+ gal..I got tired of stooping over, so I figured I'd build it taller (something different)..btw I built it out of leftover pine planking.. You don't need oak, for strength, just build it right.. Inside, I have a shelf for the sump, and sitting on the floor is my makeup water tank/pump.. The only catch I see also, is the access to the tank that sits below the top tank. It would be a pain to get into it..oh, how about putting it on a slide out shelf..interesting.. a slowly slid out shelf... that could hold the weight (I'm sure it's possible for a small tank)..There are some very sturdy drawer slides out there..:yes: