


Can you please post the specs on the tank you posted on my thread that they locked for some wierd reason
. And if u have any other pics would be appreciated,


Active Member
I think it was locked because the responses were mostly off topic. anyway here comes the mother load
set up is as simple as it gets: about 35lb of liverock (with about 5-10 coming from rock that corals were on), seaclone 100 skimmer (yes it works for me), crush coral substrate (yes my nitrates always test at zero), one 270GPH powerhead and two supplemental 104 GPH minijet powerheads, skilter 250 with skimmer off (just used for circulation and occasional carbon holding device). lighting 96w 10K/96w actinic pc. Clean up crew consist of 18 small hermits, 8 astrea snails, a few peppermint shrimp and one fire shrimp.
pre reef


open brain

full view and close to current arrangement


Active Member
cucumber hitchhiker

yellow polyps

botton polyps and see mat to the left

lawnmower blenny

candycane and peppermint shrimp

hammer (its normally bigger, shot it before it fully extended)

four stripe damsel


Active Member
false percula clown

christmas tree coral

candy cane right after lights turned on

I told it you it works for me

and thats about it for now


ok thanks alot, Perfect Setup id say. Perfect nitrates and everything and clear water with no algae, i want one


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt_hobbi
ok thanks alot, Perfect Setup id say. Perfect nitrates and everything and clear water with no algae, i want one

thanks but believe me algae "dust" accumulates on the glass in a matter of days so I run a net across the front and side glass every other day. Fortunately I havent had any problem with algae on the rocks or substrates. I do have this Halimeda thats really starting to grow tall out the mushroom rock. From what I read it needs to be rooted so it wont grow any and everywhere like other macro algae

this pic blow was taken 1/4/06 and above was taken today 1/7/06just a month apart