star and anenome question


New Member
Well i have a question about my pink/red tile star which is, is it true that it has not been established what they eat? The woman at the lfs told me that and i found it kind of hard to believe. I also have a long-tentacled anenome and i was wondering if there was any way to coax my captive bred clown to show some interest? I was also wondering if i bought a wild caught as well maybe the wild caught would show mine the ropes and catch his interest. Thanks for looking everyone.


Active Member
Tile stars, which are typically in the genus Fromia, are some of the most difficult animals to keep long term. The majority will die in our tanks in about a year to 18 months of starvation (or acclimation shock in the first month). Their diet is very poorly known and possibly consists of certain types of sponges. They DO NOT eat "algae" or "detritus" as we know it. Success is highly correlated with a lot of mature LR, ideally a minimum of 150lbs in at least a 100g tank. Water parameters are also critical, with specific attention to specific gravity, pH, alk and calcium.