Star Fish Attack!


I almost had a heart attack just now...
I was watching my tank and saw my bristle star stick one arm out of his cave and reach up to my small condi anemony, grab a hold of it and drag it into his cave.
I had to rush and try to spoon the anemone out of a small hole with out hurting either the star or the anemone.
Any who...
I just spot fed my star fish but I'm afraid to go to bed now cause I don't want to turn the lights out and then it happen again while I'm not there to save the anemone...
what should I do?
is this normal for a bristle star to do something like that?


New Member
Not sure if that is normal for brittle stars......but mine did the same thing with a colt coral. I woke one morning to half my colt coral bent over double going into my star's cave. I would be interested to see how many this has happened to and if anyone knows the reason. When I switched from my 55g to 100g, My 2 stars were donated to the LFS. Oh, and my colt coral is doing just fine, he is about 10 inches tall now :)