star fish vs. clam?

I recently tried adding clams from the grocery store to my tank as suggested by quite a few other members. I thought it was pretty strange that they could come alive like that. But anyways. My crabs, bi-color angel, and mostly my starfish have interest in them. I'm curious though. Can my red general starfish actually eat one of these clams? Since he has been at it for at least 12 hours. I have even picked him up and put him on the other side of the tank because I didn't know if he crawled over the clam and it clamped down on one of his probing arms. Sure enough he returned. So as I said before. Can my starfish even eat the clam? So far all he does is kind of wrap himself around it. He isn't a bristle star of any kind though. He is a "solid". And when I picked him up his "stomach" was out also. He might be eating what is on the clams shell I guess. So what do you think? Is the starfish having a clam for dinner? Or is he just there just because