star fish


I have a out break of what ,I think might be small star fish???
They started as 1or2 now I have 9.
They look like a star fish,flat,each one almost has a
different color, but the bottoms are white,they mostly stay
on the glass & rock in the back.
They have 6 legs though??
Is this a star fish or something else???
Size is like a q-tip,but flat.Sorry I can't describe them
any better.


Try doing a search on the board for Asterina
There are a few posts regarding small starfish - with pics - might be of some help


Active Member
More than likely Asterina Stars. Do a search in the reef tank forum and you shoud find some pictures and more information. Most only eat algae and what not, but there are a few that will eat sps corals. A very common hitchiker though. And nothing to worry about. They multiply by splitting in half. Start with one, it splits in half and now you have two. They regrow then split in half, now you have four. And so on.