Star Polps

I bought some green star polps on Saturday. My question is that the polps came out somewhat on saturday evening and a few came out yesterday. Is that normal? I know corals do have an acclimation period but will they increase in the next couple of days. I am letting them sit in the middle of the tank getting a medium lighting. If this is normal, no problemo. Anyone go through the same thing?
Water Perimeters:
29 Gallons
PH: 8.2
Calcium: 450
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
brown mushrooms, white mushrooms, colt coral, feather dusters, 3 damsels, 3 coral cats.
The polps do sit several inches away from anyone else and is by itself in the middle of the tank. Thanks !
Oops! The Tank equipment is as follows:
175 w PC Lighting
Penguin 330
FLuval 204
Internal Flow Head
76 F Temperature
Prism Protein Skimmer
35 lbs of live rock


Active Member
what are all of your water parameters at? it should be fine. my gsp took over a week to come out and fully expand, but they finally did and now are growing like a weed covering everything!
good luck
Thanks. I was just a little paranoid that something was wrong but everything else is fine in the tank. I already posted my water parameters so as long as those are fine...I will wait. Will post more if they dont open up later.