Star Polyps Question


Is there such thing as transparent polyps. Ive seen white polyps before and these arent exactly white but more of a brown color. Can it be possible for them to be babys and not have color yet?


I dont really have white ones but I do have a color morph from a rock of zoos I have that are almost white centers, with the outer edge being very dark grey to almost black.
There not bleached or anything, not even sure why they morphed. But from the same colony of zoos I have orange center, green center, white centers, orange with some green, with diffrent outlines on them from green to orange, ect...
Maybe some one else will chime in and explain in better, I just know that they are out there. Hope that answers your question.


im gonna try and get a picture because they are a color ive never seen. Im pretty sure they are star polyps though



those are the polps. And if anyone can tell me what the heck those little trees are. They look pretty cool.


Active Member
usually when my green star polyps spread, the new polyps that form are white. they usually turn green within a week or so.


Its not aiptasia because they have the mantle part where they come out of from. Aiptasia doesnt have that. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by sea horse
I thought green star polyps were always green?
mine had little to no green when i first got them. in my lfs, they were under pc lighting. now under my mh lighting they are all green. also, as they spread and new polyps develop, the new polyps are usualyy transparent or brown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe

those are the polps. And if anyone can tell me what the heck those little trees are. They look pretty cool.

Those are exactly the way my polyps look when they spread. It usually takes mine awhile to "green up".


Active Member
Originally Posted by kronnk7
I think that looks like a colony of apstia ( spelling ). If they are they are very bad.

It's not aiptasia.