Star polyps


3 weeks ago I purchased one rock with brown star polyps on 3/4 of the rock and 1/4 are green star polyps.All the polyps were out and doing fine now the the brown star polyps havent come for two days are these dead now if yes why are the green ones still living? :(


Active Member
I've got star polyps that are tough to kill. Are you sure they were healthy when you got them? What's your tank like... i.e. filtration, lighting, water parameters?


Im not sure if they are dead or just "Hiding"
I bought a similar rock from a LFS (YES I said the word)..and my stars hid for about a, just have patience, and DONT touch where they live on the rock if you move it, or you will kill them..
GL, hope they eventyally come out..
~Sue :rolleyes:
does anyone have an up close pic of star polyps cause when i got my lr a while back that is what the lfs guy said was on it and i just want to make sure .. thanks all


Active Member
When I bought my star polyp rock it had both light green and flourescent green polyps on it. Probably 2/3 flourescent and 1/3 light green. Since I got it, a month or so, the flourescent is overtaking the light green. LFS said this is normal. Competition for space. One of your star polyps may be practicing a little chemical warfare to stake out it's space. I'd just watch for a while and see what happens.
Good Luck!

kris walker

Active Member
They can be brown if they are not healthy. One of my LFS has green star polyps but they are very thin, almost string-like in thickness, and brown. I think they are going to die anytime soon due to not enough light, but who knows. Oh, and I've touched mine before with no problems--mine doesn't seem to be that fragile.


I wonder why , when the ("Rock/Star) was touched, it died off...but in that area, they were Babies,just starting out, maybe thats why, I cant see any other reason...unless the type? Mine are a VERY floresent green, are yours green also??
~Susie <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />

kris walker

Active Member
Yea, mine are bright fluorescent green. The pic below does not show it very well cause I haven't figured out how to use my dig cam very well for my VHO lighting.

Sorry it takes a while to load, but I haven't had a chance yet to make the pic smaller.