Star Wars 3: revenge of the sith


Active Member
who here cant wait to see REVENGE OF THE SITH it like me(no im not a nerd who stands in line for 2months) I cant wait to see the animated series and full action series thats going to be on tv too


Active Member
I am anticipating it as well. I believe Hayden Christensen plays a better bad guy than good guy, so it ought to be better than Episode II. =)


I don't think he can act either way really. I personally think that *I* should have been Aniken. hehe :D Cause really. . . Who wouldn't want to make out with the queen.

Seriously though. Yeah i can't wait for the movie to come out. I grew up with luke skywalker. I'm no starwars nerd either but they do need some redemption after the last two they put out.


I need help...if Darth Vader is Luke's father and Anakin is Darth Vadar...who's the luke's mom? and Lea is Luke's sister... does that mean Anakin has 2 kids?


LOL! Doesn't know about? typical man on a Friday night after boozeing on space ale :)
So???? who's the mommy? Do I need to call in Ricki Lake or Montel Williams?


Active Member
he does
im not going to say anymore i feel like im giving away the whole movie
just go watch it and enjoy it since its the bad he's not going to make the other 3 movies