I think the revenue on this one will decide whether they go on with the other three in the series or not...I don't think they got as good of a response on the last two as they had hoped
Wasn't there going to be nine movies total????
The original three were number 4,5,6; the two recent ones and this new one would be 1,2,3; and then they would do 7,8,9 that would take place after the original three did
Am I wrong???
I heard that this one is the last one, that geoge lucas was not going to make anymore but he also said that wasnt writen in stone
but it would be cool to see the books after "return of the jedi" be made into movies
yes, there are 9 stories/episodes total. The scripts have already been written for all of them, and have been since the 70's.
I wouldn't be surprised if 7, 8, and 9 come out . . .
Along time ago in a galaxy far, far away...... Sorry couldn't resist. Lucas said that he won't do the final three some time ago, he said it would take too long a he felt that the feeling of the movies would be lost, since it takes so long to make each one. And since he started with the end everyone knows what happened.