Can a starfish be in with any kind of triggerfish? I have heard that the chocolate chip starfish has a much harder outer body and that a trigger would not be interested in it. Somehow that doesn't seem you guys have any thoughts on this?
Some people have kept, or say they have kept, nigers with starfish. I wouldn't try it though. I'm sure triggers eat starfish in the wild, so why wouldn't they eat them in a tank? IMO, no inverts should be kept with a trigger. Bo
I'll second Bo here. I added a picasso and niger to a tank with existing ch. chip stars.. They lived in harmony for several months. I added an orange linkia and as soon as i turned around it was ripped to shreds. I took out the chh chips and moved them to another tank that day...
My Picasso would pick up the choc. chips in his teeth and swim around the tank with them in his mouth until he would finally slam them against the glass...needless to say I removed the poor starfish right away.