starfish, clownfish, and blue hippo tang!!! HELPPP

okayy well lets start from the begging
umm a starfish appeared in my tank the other today just on the side its a baby and i dnt no if it eats anything or what it eats or what i do to keep it alive. 4 of his arms are very stuby and i guess r growing he is a brownish color and is moving.
then my clown fish is staying at the bottom of the tank towards the front and he usally stays in the back but he is eating and acting normal with everthing else hes jsut in the front an the bottom.
then my blue hippo tang in qt hes been in there for like 4-5 weeks but hes in there for so long cuz im moving the tank and i dnt want him to be as stressed. but he stays low and under the rock in the tank 95% of the time whats wrong with him??
and then there is this ugly plant its brown and white and it came out of my rock and it took over the space of my plant that was there and it killed some of it and made the rest of it move what cna id do to move it so the other plant can live??
and finnaly there is this marble type looking thing in my tank its blue and purpley i cnt realyy describe it. but it looks like a marble it keeps growing what is it???
o yeah sry frogot one thing.
i ahvew these things in my sand they are white and it looks like a tube then a liitle lower pops out i ahve them in my sand in white and on y rocks in red what r they???
sry bout all my q's plezz helppp


The starfish may very well be just a mini-seastar that hitch-hiked in on your LR or on a frag (if you have any.) If it is a mini, you don't have to worry about feeding directly; they'll scavenge. However, it's best to post pictures, if you can, or find a picture on the internet that looks similar.
Your clown will move from place to place, and as long as he/she is eating well, doesn't have any visible signs of ick or any other disease, and is not breathing fast, he/she is probably fine.
Your Hippo Tang may just be stressed. How big is he/she and what size QT is he/she in? (Also, what size tank is he/she being transferred to?)
The "plant" and "marble" thing I can't help you with, without pictures...
The "flower-looking" thing is called a feather duster. There's a small worm inside the tube, and the "feather" is the crown of it's head. Very neat creatures, and no harm to your tank. Be careful what fish you add, because they may kill the feather duster...
ummmm ill try to get pics of them
the blue hippo is not stressed she just preffers to stay under there
and what will kill the feather dusters and what will i have to feed the starfish when he gets bigger


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishlover921
ummmm ill try to get pics of them
the blue hippo is not stressed she just preffers to stay under there
and what will kill the feather dusters and what will i have to feed the starfish when he gets bigger
You wont have to feed the star fish anything your LR includes a ton of hitch hikers when you purchase it. One of the reasons why its so expensive, that and the shipping cost. Sometimes you wont see all of the organisms that your LR has come with for weeks maybe months. The small starfish you found wont get much bigger and feeds on the algea in your tank. I believe the more common name for them is..asterinas. Very common in a reef tank.
Feather dusters are cool and I believe any fish that is not reef safe is a candidate for hurting your dusters. But I have seen hermits and corals get tangled in them too. If your duster gets picked on too much it very well may toss its tube look for another place to find shelter and start making another tube for itseslf.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a> this is the buble
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a> and this is the plant couldnt get apic of the starfish


Active Member
first pic looks like xenia or clove polyps, second is definitely bubble algae. don't pick at the bubble algae, or it will spread everywhere. emerald crabs supposedly will take care of it, and you can also take the rock out of your tank and try to remove it, but don't let it pop.
so it spreads if its poped what if i pop it outside of the water??
also how do i keep hermit crabs alive i ahve tons of algea they jsut keep dying do i ahve to feed them??? aslo ive tried getting read of this red algea stuff with this medicne i guy gave me from my lfs and its not working how do i get read of it and is there away to get read of the buble algea and wat caused it??


Active Member
if you pop it outside your tank, rince and scrub the rock with salt water and throw that water away.
you technically shouldnt have to feed your hermits, but until your tank is established and you're feeding the tank it's not a bad idea. drop just about anythingin there and they will eat.
as for the red algae, do a search for "red slime" or "cyano" and see if that's what it is. there's a post every other day on it. if you're using "chemiclean" or "red slime remover" and your hermits are dying, i'd think there's some connection. also, don't use medications in your tank unless you know why you're using it. there is a reason you have the red algae, you need to figure out why or you'll never control it. if those chemicals aren't controlling it, try turning off your skimmer.
emerald crabs will CONTROL but may never get rid of all your bubble algae. its been reported that they actually may help spread it so they never run out of food.


Active Member
Most any inverts are opportunistic omnivors ESPECIALLY crabs. I always make sure mine are fed. About 2 times a week I drop a few small pieces of squid or clam or shrimp in the tank and let it drop to the bottom. Although its not common it can happen that your hermits and or crabs can get protein starved and then they can get a tad more aggressive.
Like what was stated above make sure what your treating for is Cyano. What I can see in the pics you have alot of purple coraline algea and that is good... Also, becareful almost all medications for cyano are antibiotics. They kill alot of good bacteria as well as bad. Although there are litterally billions of miro bacteria in your water column that are not affected by this your Nitrate levels will most certainly go up. Its important to do frequent water changes after you treat for cyano. Cyano is dark red and has hairs flowing up from it. Almost like the hair algea you have but red and not green.