starfish food ??


New Member
hi guys, i have recently been given a saltwater aquarium with some live rocks? 2 percula clownfish and a blue starfish.. not sure what this is? i wanted to learn more about saltwaterfish keeping before i had my own tank but i rescued these guys from a careless owner.. just a few questions, since most of you guys seem to know whats happening. i have some flake food for the clowns which they dont seem to like much, i am planning on buying some brine srimp for them this afternoon but what else would they eat?? and the starfish.. what does it eat, is there any special requirements you think it might have? its quite a big tank about 60 gallons for only the 3 of them but i wouldnt want to add anything new yet.. just wanted a big of help.. thanks cant wait to hear from some feedback... !!!


Active Member
Clownfish can eat a large variety of food I feed mine:
live brine
frozen brine
marine sinking pellets
marine flakes
seaweed selects
and blood worms, although you shouldn't feed blood worms too much but my clowns love em.
Most starfish like to eat seaweed selects, my chocolate chip stars like it so I'm sure the blue stars do as well, you can try anyway. Oh and your star is probably a blue linkia. :)
BTW welcome to the board ;)


New Member
I have two starfish and they have both thrived on just what ever has fallen to the ground, rock, and glass. I feed my fish a variety of stuff day (ie. frozen mysis shrimp, dried plankton, fish flakes, zooplankton, and frozen brine shrimp).


Active Member
Blue Linckia stars eat algal and bacterial films, sponges and bryozoans. They require a large mature tank with a lot of LR in order to survive, otherwise, they may very well starve to death over a period of a few months to a year. They do not typically respond to any food added to the tank, though some individuals may. It is recommended that only one of these stars be kept, unless your system is very large (over 150g, IMO) and has at least that much LR. This species is one of the most delicate species in the hobby and is extremely intolerant of changes in water parameters.
Other stars, like chocolate chips and generals, are predatory and readily consume extra food in the tank, as well as snails, corals, etc.