Starfish in a 10 gallon tank?

sea goblin

Are there any starfish that could live happily in a 10 gallon tank, or is it just too small?
Im working on setting up a 10 gallon tank in my gf's room, and she wants a starfish, so im trying to see what would work.
thanks in advance for any advice!
Sea Goblin
you could get a baby sifter star, i have an adult one, ther interesting, they spend alot of ther time under the sand cleaning it. but they will come out, they leave cool designes in the sand, and move relitively fast for a star fish.:)


Active Member
They are often found as hitchhikers on live rock.
I also agree that any of the common starfish for sale would be too big for a 10 gallon. You also mentioned that you are setting up the tank, starfish are usually not recommended until the tank is over 6 months old to ensure good water quality and decrease the probability they will starve to death. The asterinas may even satisfy your gf. :)

sea goblin

Sorry its taking me so long to respond, finals week quickly approaching...
Anyways, the tank is going to be a fish only at this time. I asked her what she wanted and corals are not interesting to her yet. The intent is to have a clown fish at the very least (another Nemo addict) and she really wants a smaller goby. So the plan is to have the clown fish first, after the tank cycles with a cocktail shrimp. Wait probably a month or so then find a goby that suits her, I’m trying to get her to get a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp so that they might buddy up. Other than that it would be some snails, hermits, and that’s about it.
no reef, probably no live rock, but that isn’t for sure yet. We will probably get base rock from my lfs to build some caves and structure, going with at least a 3inch sand bed i think.
Thanks for the input
Sea Goblin


If you're not going with any corals a chocolate chip star would work. They are pretty neat, they just eat anything they can catch.