Starfish missing a leg


New Member
Last night I noticed my starfish had half a leg in the claws of my hermit crab. Didn't know that my crab was going to start ripping off limbs. Just thought I'd get some insight from you guys about it. I'm pretty new to SW still and have much to learn.


Active Member
What kind of star is it?
How long have you had it?
If you've only had it a short period of time, how long did you acclimate it?
How old is your tank, and what are your exact water parameters, including sg?

sinner's girl

what are you feeding? any changes in the tank (sg, temp, ect)? How does the rest of him look?
They can regrow legs, they can regrow almost all. I've seen it with brittle and serpent.
IME, leave it alone, see if it will eat, otherwise, leave it be.
I kept the lights off on half my tank when my brittle and serpents were in trouble. (tank went through a mini cycle), both kinda melted... neither ate for a long time (at least they didn't eat what I was feeding, must have just ate lr), both stayed in the lr, in the dark. Brittle took longer to get better, but he did and they were both as big/bigger than before. Sadly though, I lost my brittle during a bad sg swing, serpent is fine though, and looks great.


he will most likely grow the leg back and the leg might grow a new starfish but if its like a brittle starfish it might not


I had a clown trigger that ripped 4 out of 5 of my brittle stars legs off and also opened his "skull" or disc. had a large round hole in the top of its disk and I put it in quaratine and it is fully healed and doing fine now. That was about 6 months ago and the star is great. Be sure to isolate it from whatever animal is harming it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dischirm
I had a clown trigger that ripped 4 out of 5 of my brittle stars legs off and also opened his "skull" or disc. had a large round hole in the top of its disk and I put it in quaratine and it is fully healed and doing fine now. That was about 6 months ago and the star is great. Be sure to isolate it from whatever animal is harming it!

It might not be an animal harming it. They fall apart when they aren't doing well.


Active Member
Exactly. Without knowing more about the tank and the star, there is not much more we can say.


New Member
Its a brittle star and I just moved to a new apartment so I guess it could have been pretty stressed out. It seems to be fine now and has climbed up some rock to hide from the hermit crab. My parameters are a little out of whack since i moved but nothing too out of the ordinary. thanks for the help guys


New Member
The tank is about 6 months old and the brittle is about 4 months old, not sure how long the lfs had him before i bought him.

sinner's girl

a. you added the star too early, but he's there now...
b. out of wacke will stress stars...that's why we say they shouldn' tbe adding till the tank is established.
c. both my brittle and serpent lived after a move, with a ammonia showing up.