starfish ok?


I have two sand sifter starfish and a serpent starfish in my 24 gal. AP everything else (two clown fish, two emerald green crabs and two peppermint shrimp) has been moved to the new 100 gal tank (yes it has been cycled and everyone is happy). I am going to use my AP for soft corals and a mandarin (I am farming pods so he will have plenty to eat) MY question is about my sand sifters, since i have no fish in the tank now and am only feeding phytoplankton, small pieces of silverside directly to my serpent and have pods running around will they have enough to eat or should they be moved, also?


I had a sandsifter in my 60g and I couldn't provide him with enough to eat. I believe sand sifter stars are only recommended for the larger reef tanks (> 100g).
I believe it takes them 9 months to starve after they decimate a sandbed. So, about a year and a half to two years.
I really wanted a star in my Biocube, but after reading and watching other peoples threads about what happens to them I am going to have to wait until I get a much larger tank. I have heard some people say that the minimum is a 220g tank.