Starfish question


Well, since I'm still living at aquarium, even though I'll be doing most of the work, is a family project. And, my mom likes the short-legged starfish, the Red General & Chocolate Chip. So, I asked a few posters this question, but my mom wanted more responses (in her favor of course, lol), so I thought I'd start a new thread. Anyways, my question is: is it possible to keep one of those stars in my now potential tank range of 50g-60g?
These are the fish I'm currently planning on getting:
2 clownfish
1 purple urchin
1-2 serpent stars (probably 1 if I get a cc or rg star)
1 yellow watchman goby
1 midas blenny
1 purple pseudochromis
Red-General Star---On this website it says this star isn't reef safe because it eats live rocks, coral, anemones (sessile inverts) & doesn't harm other stars or fish. And at the fish store I went to on Thursday in Buena Park, they said that the Red General is fine in my reef tank, but the cc wouldn't.
Chocolate Chip Star---On this website it doesn't specifically says that they eat sessile inverts, but it says "...they spend the day cruising along the rockwork..."--how is that possible if they can't be kept in a tank w/live rock, coral, anemones, etc??? Jenn was telling me that cc star can knock over live rocks & eat them. Another poster, Sinner_Girl said that she has 2 cc stars & they are fine w/her live rock & other fish.
This website also says that both stars need to be fed regularly-does that mean all I have to do is keep them well-fed? And, the site also mentions that the order in which you put your fish in a tank can make a difference in their compatibility. Any thoughts? Would it be ok to add one of these to my tank?
Are there any other sea star that have similiar legs as cc & rg(fat & short-legged, lol)?


ok these starfish are oppurtunistic feeders. if something comes there way they're gonna eat it. i've seen a cc sneak up on a fish sleeping before. one of my friends said that his cc reached out and grabbed one of his, although the arm was probably already outstretched and the fish just ran into it. the red general is the same way so beware. i wouldn't say they are reef safe.


Active Member
The red general and chocolate chip stars shoul both be considered predatory and NOT REEF SAFE.I do not know what the "short legged starfish" is but there are few "reef safe" stars truly suitable for that tank size. Most reef safe stars can not be spot fed and require lots and lots of LR. Most will starve to death in smaller tanks in about a year. Not always, but typically, IMO. Ditto for the "sand sifter" seastar.
I will be introducing a series of posts on seastars once the hurricane passes. It will detail some issues with keeping these animals, which require very good water conditions, and a mature tank (at least 6 months old).


Active Member
I agree they wil eat anything they can move over.
Not to steal the thread or anything but ophiura you have helped me in the past and I am wondering what kinda star can be kept with my tank that will climb on the glass? I really want a star on the glass. The serpent found its way up once (at night while I was asleep though). But something that is reef safe and on the glass lol. I know the linckias do but I really dont wanna kill a starfish lol.


Active Member
Only Asterina stars will basically definitely be on the glass sometimes. No others are guaranteed to do this I would say.


Ok, darn. Just curious then why does this is site say that choclate chip stars like to cruise along the rockwork--how can you have rockwork if they eat it?


I've looked for asterina sea stars & can't find them for sale anywhere on the internet. I, too would like a star on the glass. Any suggestions?


Active Member
There not to hard to find. Though stay very small. I currently have my informat in oaklahoma looking for some for me lol. (He knows who he is ;) ). Well what about a star that will come out during the day. My second serpent dose venture out during the day but likes to hide as most serpents do. Can you think of a good one on that one? And it dont have to be Quaranteed to be on the glass just occasianlly. But even the glass isnt reguired just a visible star during the day lol.


Active Member
Anita, I have a CC star and just love it. However I do spot feed every other day with shrimp pellets, piece of crab meat, scallops etc. It does cruise the rock work yes, but never do I see it destroying the rock or knocking it over. They have said they are not reef safe, I do have three different types of mushrooms in my tank that I was not going to get upset over if it ate them but this star has never even tried, maybe I feed it to well.
Now the purple urchin, yep it is a bulldozer. I have one of these as well, they are so cool. It does knock over my rock some of it and it does scrape your rock pretty good. But for me fortunatley it has been for the better. My rock was really ugly and dark colored now I have the most beautiful red coraline rock I never had before. I think this guy is going a great job and adding the coraline all over the tank and now my rocks are so nice and pink.
I also spot feed this urchin whom has done a great job of algae cleanup with some algae wafers and algae sheets. I believe in feeding everyone in the tank a bit as after all this is not the open ocean.
I have had numerous snails and crabs in the past and will never go back to them again. They just don't live that long. And if you want a CC star then you will not have crabs long either. I had one large crab in my tank when I got the CC star and in a matter of five days he became an appetizer for my star.
I cannot comment about fish they can catch, never had that problem. I have 2 ocellaris clowns and 1 yellow tail damsel. My tank is 1 1/2 yrs old and the star and urchin have been in there for 6 months now with no problems at all.
Good luck and have fun....Deb


Really? That's good to know. Sinner_Girl was telling that she has 2 that they never have problems with rock. Oscelaris clowns are the same as percula, right? I'm planning on getting 2 percula clowns. I know that stars are very sensitive, so, I was planning on getting all my fish first, then my stars, is that what you did? Can you post pictures of your tank? Or email some to me at:, because it might give me some ideas. Maybe if I get corals I should get mushroom corals. Does the order you put in fish/inverts really affect how much they get along? It would be nice if I knew someone around here that would take it if it didn't work out for some reason, cc star on this site are only $10. I still have plenty of time to decide whether or not I'll get one, I would like to try it since a lot of people have said their cc stars don't destroy rock work.


Active Member
No ocellaris clowns are more orange as percula clowns have a dark band inbetween there second and third stripe.
I would do inverts then fish then stars. Stars IMO (thanks ophiura) need to have a somewhat mature tank of around 6 months. Not all stars need this but usually by 6 months the landlord of that tank knows how to keep there params in check and do regular maintence on it without causing problems. Mushroom corals are really cool but by no means reccomended for this star as they may or may not eat them. I think the reason debbie has had such success is she feeds her star every other day so it has no reason to forage. Inverts really dont matter on what order they enter the tank as long as they have the apropriate amount of food and good water params there fine. Fish on the other hand do. Some fish are agressive and should be added last on your list as were others arent so bad and could be added anytime before.
I wouldnt always rely on someone taking it as if it dont work out they most likely wont want it because of what it dose. And a $10 star dosnt add up to $100 cleaning crew turned into star poop. IMO I wouldnt risk it. I love brittle stars right along with the serpents and I was going to get one but the thing is it was assorted to big of a chance of getting a green one. Just not worth the risk.
And as for them knocking over Rock Work I have never heard many complaints about this its usually of them eating crabs, snails and whatever els they crawl over.


So, if I keep a cc star well fed(which seems to be every other day), then it could work? Well, do you really need snails & crabs as a clean-up crew, don't starfish (plus the purple urchin I'm planning getting aswell?) do the same thing?


Active Member
Snipe has given you some very good info. I see your tank is in the 50-60 gal range, nice size. My tank is a 10 gal nano, huge huge difference. One of the reasons I spot feed so much. My snails and crabs did not have a chance of survival in a tank of this size. But you could certainly do both and see what happens. Also, my tank was 1 year old before I bought the CC star and the urchin. I strongly recommend that you wait till you have a mature tank before adding either of these. There will always be stars and urchins available to you.
If there is one thing I have learned so far, and believe me I am very new to this hobby is "Patience" something we all lack at one time or another. But there is no room for error and you might as well do it right the first time to avoid disappointment. Six months ago I just about shut down the whole thing, I was so discouraged from the prices number one we pay here in Canada (count yourself lucky) all our saltwater and most freshwater fish are flown in and so the consumer like myself pay the big price. Just to give you an idea, 1 blue legged hermit crab $4.99 CDN I know you all there don't pay that. So for my CC star to eat that wow what a luxury dinner.
We can order in but the freight cost it just not worth it and for one small tank no thanks. Since adding this star and urchin I have grown to love this tank and hopefully in the new year I would love to move all into my 25 gal which is currently a freshwater. Have to do this when hubby does not really know..... :hilarious No just kidding, I need more sand and rock when I do this so it will happen oneday just not right now.
So have fun, ask lots of questions if in doubt the folks here are great and will help you along the way. Remember "Patience" the key word.......


Active Member
An urchin really isnt gonna be enough in that size tank and a star eats left over waste not algae. So yes I would say in your case snails and crabs are needed.