Starfish question


I was at the LFS today and they had a chocolate starfish that I kept coming back to. I wanted to get it but need to research first. I currently have a 150G tank with a foxface, blue tang, flame angel, dwarf lion, pencil urchin, and just recently added a snowflake eel. I've read on other sites that caution should be used with inverts with a couple of my fish. I always thought caution should be used with any fish as their personalities can be very different. Would a starfish work with what I've got or is this something to admire at the LFS and leave alone???
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


the chocolate star will pretty much eat anything it can catch... i doubt itll catch any of those fish you listed.
im not too sure, ask Ophiura
also it will eat all inverts you have, snails crabs.....
and i also think itll make a snack out of that urchin.... i think


I don't think the star would eat what you have, but what you have may possibly eat the star.

The aggressive forum would be an excellent place to cut and copy this post since most of the people who frequent that sight are more knowledgeable with the fish you listed...
The lion, eel and urchin specifically.
it wont eat your fish unless there dead, but some of your fish may nip at it?
I have had 3 in the past 7 yrs never had it eat any of my fish!!!


None of my fish so far have bothered the pencil urchin. It was the angel I was concerned about in the nipping department.


I just gave 3 cc stars away because I was losing every snail I got. They were ok for a while but once they got that taste of snail they wouldn't stop.