Starfish ripped apart?


New Member
Anyone know why/what would kill my brittlestar? I woke up this morning to find all it's limbs ripped off (and still moving). Just added the "20-55 Gallon Reef Package"...
Scarlet Hermit Crab:10
Blueleg Hermit Crab:10
Brittle Starfish:2
Coral Banded Shrimp:1
Emerald Crab:3
Turbo/Astrea Snail:20
Cleaner Clam:2
Nassarius Snail - Group of 10:1

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MsJessica
Anyone know why/what would kill my brittlestar? I woke up this morning to find all it's limbs ripped off (and still moving). Just added the "20-55 Gallon Reef Package"...
Scarlet Hermit Crab:10
Blueleg Hermit Crab:10
Brittle Starfish:2
Coral Banded Shrimp:1
Emerald Crab:3
Turbo/Astrea Snail:20
Cleaner Clam:2
Nassarius Snail - Group of 10:1
What other livestock do you have in your tank?
Watch the CB shrimp.


They are very finicky, it could have been from any number of things. first off when they get stressed out, like during a move to a new tank, they get ridged and there legs can break off very easily. I ordered one from an online store, when it arrived it was missing 1 1/2 legs I acclimated him and added him to my tank, a day later he lost two more legs for no reason and then died. I called the company I ordered him from and the guy told me they almost never survive transport. It sounds to me like nothing killed him, he died from the stress of moving into a new tank which isn't really your fault unless you didn't acclimate him. Did you get him at a LFS or an online store?


I now people who have had excellent success with ordering stock online, but I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I have had so much arrive dead or in terrible shape that I decided to stop ordering online. I also live in New Hampshire, When its hot its melting hot and when its cold its frigid.


What is your SG? What are you using to measure it? How did you acclimate him? Stars require a SG of 1.025+. They also require a slow drip acclimation.
it was the coral banded i bet, those things r a nightmare they hunt ur fish at night people say they dont but they do especially when super hungry and they cant find enough food, so do those stinkin camel shrimp one ate my lil redstarfish he was in pieces... i dont know anything about those emerald crabs, but im not keeping shrimp or crabs in mine anymore only crabs ill have r hermits. smh :( srry im angry lol
i did a 20 minute temp acclimation on my star an tossed him in lol. people always say take hours and drips and stuff iono i do all my stuff this way and they end up fine ofcourse i take out 1 cup of water and then add in my water wait 10 minutes do it one more time then pop them in. success never had anything die off. from improper acclimation


Originally Posted by fishstick4sale
it was the coral banded i bet, those things r a nightmare they hunt ur fish at night people say they dont but they do especially when super hungry and they cant find enough food, so do those stinkin camel shrimp one ate my lil redstarfish he was in pieces... i dont know anything about those emerald crabs, but im not keeping shrimp or crabs in mine anymore only crabs ill have r hermits. smh :( srry im angry lol
I have had a coral banded in with other inverts, never had them bothered. They will go for fish though. They are hunters. A star "cut to pieces" actually fell apart from acclimation shock, poor water quality, or low SG.
Originally Posted by fishstick4sale

i did a 20 minute temp acclimation on my star an tossed him in lol. people always say take hours and drips and stuff iono i do all my stuff this way and they end up fine ofcourse i take out 1 cup of water and then add in my water wait 10 minutes do it one more time then pop them in. success never had anything die off. from improper acclimation

How long have you had this star? Is this the same star that looked "chopped up?"