StarFish SandSifter


New Member
We are new to the hobby and have just purchased a Starfish. he has buried himself in the sand. Do they only come out at nite when the lites are off?


Active Member
sand sifting stars stay in the sand most of the time and get all of their food from there. Most of them never venture from the sand although my brother does have one that doesn't scour the sand all too often. They need a lot of surface area so make sure you have enough sand in the tank to support the creatures eating habits. Ophiura is the starfish expert on these forums so I am sure you will get some questions or comments from her. She is a great "encyclopedia" as far as stars go, and you can get a wealth of information from her.


sometimes they do but most of the time the stay in the sand bed and eat all the microfauna and then slowly starve if they arent in a large system. They are on the not a great star to get along with the linkia with out researching first.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
sometimes they do but most of the time the stay in the sand bed and eat all the microfauna and then slowly starve if they arent in a large system. They are on the not a great star to get along with the linkia with out researching first.


I have a 55 Gal, an orange Linkia and sand sifting star.... they get along great! The only time I ever see my SS Star on the glass is if I am cleaning the tank... he gets out of the way for me, then back to the sand.


Originally Posted by ltldeb2
We are new to the hobby and have just purchased a Starfish. he has buried himself in the sand. Do they only come out at nite when the lites are off?
What sized tank this is and how long has it been set up?


Active Member
Both Linckia and sand sifter stars (Archaster) have very poor long term survival records in small tanks (under 100g). Their needs in terms of food are opposite. Sand sifter stars need vast expanses of open sand area...Linckia need lots of LR. Both are unlikely to take to spot feeding. Their needs in terms of tank parameters are critical - mature tank, pristine parameters, specific gravity 1.025-1.026.
Both will tend to die of starvation in 12-18 months, and you should NOT claim success with them until you have had them that long. The will show no signs of problems until their arms start falling off, which most people blame on predation. But it is due in most cases to starvation.
All stars are very delicate anda re some of the most difficult animals we keep. I never recommend sand sifter stars, ever, and Linckia only to established larger systems (specifically with at least 100lbs in the case of an orange Linckia).
Linckia DO NOT eat "algae" and detritus and so should never be added as a clean up crew. They are very delicate, and have special requirements. Sand sifter stars are the opposite of what you want in a sand bed, they are very detrimental to have, IMO.