Starfish VS Sea Urchin


New Member
OMG today for the first time after 2 months my sea urchin got out of his hole and moved around. I was excited and watched it move around my tank. After few hours when i came back i saw my starfish and sea urchin coming close together but i had to go so i threw my starfish on the other end of the tank.
When i came home 5hrs later i saw my sea urchin being covered by my starfish so i took him off.. and saw spikes inside the starfishes mouth!!! AHH! i dug back down and picked up my urchin and his back was all bald... no spikes what so ever..
i checked if he is alive.. his spikes near his mouth was slightly moving... i moved my starfish to a diff tank and hope my urchin will survive...


Active Member
Sorry to hear that!! Man that sucks!
star! Just make sure you give the starfish his title belt.... he won it fair and square!
Really is a bummer though!


Yeah I had A chocolate chip star that kiled urchins other stars ate the tenticles off my anenome 3 times they can be


New Member
my urchin died last night.. thought he would survive but i guess not... he smelled like seafood lol
lol did you diciplin (i tnink i spelled that wrong lol) MR.CC STARFISH? lol i have an urchin and a large cc star and they never bother aechother but i have a rockboring urchin (longer spines)

lol i think that might make a difference