overnight my starfish has been amputated. He is missing two legs. I have 4 damsels and 2 turbo snails. Could they have EATEN HIM????? Is this unusual:help:
I have two stars a brittle and serpant in a tank with a yellow tail, a blue, and two (big) yellows for over two years, and i never had a problem with them messing with the stars.:notsure:
Could be dieing from osmotic shock from improper acclimation. Seastars also reproduce asexually by dropping an arm, but I've never heard of dropping two at a time.
My lfs told me it was a sand sifting star. It is tan and brown striped, almost looks like sand camoflage. Iv'e had him for about three months and he did really well until a couple nights ago. He is dead now. His body did crumble after he stopped moving. Any idea what could have caused this. Maybe chemical imbalance?:notsure: