

New Member
I have had my tank running with six damsels and some live rock for about 2 weeks now. Do u think it is ok for me to get a Starfish?


What size is your tank? Boy... six damsels is quite a bit... I hope you enjoy them. Bottom line: is the cycle over? ;)


Active Member
what kind of starfish do you want? I'd have to say wait a few months before getting a starfish...especially a blue linkia star. Do your homework before getting a star in such a new tank.


Active Member
again how big is your tank, what type of stars, and is your cycle complete?all these are necessary to give you a worthy answer, another note, stars will be limited, if you have fish in your tank, you definitely will want to add larger ones, the micros will probably become food bfore they can establish themselves
one note, stars are very succeptable to ph swings and poor water quality, so make sure it is cycled and stable before considering them


Active Member
I tried too early to out a brittle star in my tank and the animal was dead before it hit the bottom. I am more cautious these days. I do have two pin cushin urchins in the tank and they are really interesting.
I am planning on adding a brittle star back in the tank in a few months.