StarPolyp Question



Have had a Star Polyp that has been full almost to the point needed mowing lol j/king anyhow it started fadeing off only coral in the tankwith trouble noticed at night there is a couple worms, (long tan) that come out of it have these eaten our Star Polyp and is there a way to get this back? I have heard putting rock into 1.030 salinity to remove worms but will this hurt corals as well? Thank you. Missy


Also to add it has started some new growth back this am after 5 days with out. Missy All water paremiters are perfect nitrate 0 amo-0 ph 8.3 salt. 1.023 alk 430 cal 400. lighting 6 watts per gal
I have had bristle worms, that once they moved into my star polyps, had to be removed. I am not sure if they slowly separated the mat from the rock with their burrowing or things trying to eat them don't get the polyps in the process. One thing is sure with them the star polyps declined. After they were removed they recovered completely. I would say the same may be true for your worms. IMHO remove them.
Dipping the coral in a container of high salinity water, long enough to expose and remove the worms may cause it to stay closed for a few days but shouldn't hurt it. You might also try plucking them off the rock with tweezers while still in the tank before you do the dip though.