Stars leg fell of?!?

jimmy g

Like half of its leg fell off and i was wondering if it would be ok, and would it grow back? if so how long would it take? (by the way its a serpent star.)


Active Member
Is this a new addition? If so, how did you acclimate it?
Also, sorry for the questions, but what are your water parameters? Have you fed it?

jimmy g

Yes its new ( one week ) I drip acclimated him for 3 1/2 hours and yes i fed him for the first time today after "The Leg Insident" and my water parameters are .....
pH - 8.3
Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - 0
Nitrite - 0
Those are the only tests i have so i hope this helps


what the salinity or specific gravity, usaully a leg falling off is a sign of osmotic shock.


Active Member
have you made any significant changes to your ph since you added him? that could cause a loss of a limb as well.

jimmy g

The SG is at 1.023 and no i havent touched the tank since its been in it so i doubt the pH has changed much.


Active Member
Could be the SG, its a little low even without the star being there. I dont have any personal experience on stars, just what I read here. Also I have read that raising the SG needs to be very slow with stars--they are very sensitive to any change. HTH