Stars & Stripes puffer



Does anyone here have experience with Stars & Stripes puffers? I rescued one some time ago from a hobbyist getting out. At that time the puffer was less than 2" and really thin, I didn't think he was gonna make it but wanted to at least give it a chance, so I put him in my 65gal. Well, that was then and now he's over 4" and will soon get too big for the 65gal.
I'd love to put him in the 150 but I don't think he'd be welcomed by the Queen Angel and some of my other more agressive fish. But especially the Queen. So what do you think? Anyone who had one, are they agressive enough to hold their own? He's such a cute fish, it'd be very sad if the Queen killed him.


Active Member
You know your fish better than anybody, but I will say my Achilles Tang in my previous tank greeted every new fish I added by abusing them for differing periods of time based on how much he disliked them, the Puffer I added was the only fish he completely ignored. I would think due to the unusual shape, but who knows. Nobody ever bothered my Puffer, and I had highly aggressive fish in that tank...Achilles, Niger, Lunare, Huma.


My queen angel abuses any new addition for about 2 days. So far my new additions have been hardy fish like a niger trigger, which looked really beat up after a few days but healed fast. The only fish she never bothered was the clown trigger and that's probably because it was so tiny.
I guess I can put the puffer in and be ready to take him out if something happens.


I had one in with a porcupine puffer. Porcupine did not like my stars and stripes and would bite it pretty times the stars and stripes would bite back, but for the most part, the porcupine had its way. I have since seperated them, and no problems. My stars and stripes is not timid by any means, but not aggressive either. I am sure, however, as with any fish, they are not all the same by any means.


Active Member
I don't remember exactly if your aquascape allows, but I would do a 'soft addition' and divide part of the tank off with eggcrate and let the other fish get used to the puffer for a few days. Doesn't have to be real big, foot and a half or so wide.


I thought of that but I'd have to change my rocks around. Right now the only place I can put a divider is right down the middle. My wife said I should wait until the puffer gets bigger before putting him in the big tank, maybe somewhere around 6". Problem with that is that it's gonna give the clown trigger a lot of time to get established. Probably the best thing for the puffer is to find it a new home, maybe donate it to someone with a big tank locally.