

Hello everyone. Just started up a 125g tank with 40lbs live rock. How much, if any, die off will occur with this rock? I am anticipating that there will be some. Maybe even a lot.
Welcome to the board, what do you have for a substrate? as this can change cycle If you use true live sand you will not have a long hard cycle, but with other substrates this can prolong it , because you have to wait for the benificial bac to grow, were Live sand will already have it. What are you cycling the tank with???? let us know....cya ;)
Not that much live rock. If you plan to get more I advise doing it now while your tank is still new. The live rock will also add as a biological filter in your tank.


I've got white sand for substrate. The lr was cured and I've put in a couple damsels to aid in the cycling. Any other suggestions. Thanks.


Wellllllll,,,,, as I tellllll everyone who wants to start a tank. and cycle it..... with a tank that large, (1 lb / gal is min... but 1.5-2.5 lbs LR is best) get a box of LR from here or your LFS (50-100lbs)..... be sure the tank is all set up and filters running(NO UV AT THIS TIME) get rock in the tank.... you could get the LS (live sand) and add as well.... leave the rock in the tank for a week or 2 WITH NO LIGHTS ON,,, test water every 3 days,,, after 7 to 10 days do 50% water change,,,,, leave running the same way for another week.... testing every other day..... in another 10 days do 25% water change..... start leaving lights on for up to 4 hrs a day for 2 weeks..... then build up to 8-10 hrs a day.... you will notice a brown and green build up starting as well as the colors coming out in the rock as well as hundreds of critters crawling around in the tank ... this is good,,,,, get a clean up crew and sit back and watch them work..... wait a week or so after clean up crew gets things under control then get a few fish...... :) :D ;) enjoy....
P.S. Welcome to the board..... and don't be afraid to ask any questions!!!!
:p :p :p (LOL)
[ May 01, 2001: Message edited by: krazzydart ]


Alright everyone. I added a 50 pounds of live rock the other day so now I am up to almost 100lbs in my 125g. What are some good chemicals for bringing out the colors of the coraline on my lr. The more input the better. So everyone who reads this please comment. By the way, thanks Krazzy for your last comment. I'm on my way!!


If coraline is your main concern try Mark Weiss's Reef DNA. It between 20-30 dollars a bottle, but WELL WORTH IT, IMO. My coraline started to fade, but after 4 weeks of this every other day, it came back better than ever and spread to all my rock (and Powerhead and filter intake and heater housing...) and it looks awesome. Remember to refridgerate it after opening, leaving it out is an expensive mistake.


Active Member
Keep the calcium from 350-450ppm and your coraline algae will grow fine. I dont recommend the addition of any trace elements to a reef tank, I believe regular water changes are all that is necessary and fish food contain more than the trace amounts necessary anyway. There is no scientific proof that the addition of Iodine, Stronium or Magnesium will benefit you tank, all evidence is hearsay, IMHO.


You didn't say what kind of lighting you have. Even if you are running the right levels of calcium if you don't have the lighting to support it the coraline will not grow.


I have 500W of 12,000K MH for lights. Looks great. I think I should have no problem growing the coraline. Just wanted to know what some good addatives were.


Originally posted by paulkai:
<STRONG>I have 500W of 12,000K MH for lights. Looks great. I think I should have no problem growing the coraline. Just wanted to know what some good addatives were.</STRONG>

You are definately covered there!!!!! Like Burn said, if you keep your calcium levels at about 450, with those lights you will be fine. (Do it and they will grow :p) (Bad I know)