started new tank cloudy water?



Started new tank yesterday with live sand and aragonite, and other dead decor. Waited 24hrs for tank to clear added 5 damseles tank is still a little cloudy am i not being patient will water clear. Im using a wet/dry filter. Thanks


Active Member
The water will eventually clear up soon, just be patient. When I started my salt water it was cloudy for two days. It depends on what kind of water you use too (distilled, well water). I used to have a 40 gallon, for that I used farm water and it took a while to get cleared up, recently I started an 84 gallon and used distilled water and it cleared up in less than an hour. Hope this helps, good luck on your tank.
It will clear up in a few days the water just has to "settle" if it dosent clear in a few days try 1 hr with a diatom filter it will clear up after use ..just be a little more patient. ;)


Active Member
I hope your water was premixed and running for awhile before you put the live sand in or you may have killed some critters.