started over!!


Well its finally up and running......again. After it crashed I took the tank down and all apart, and cleaned everything. EVERYTHING........filter, power heads, pump, skimmer, heater.......everything you can clean, i cleaned. I even treated the LR like I would have treated it that day I got it........scrubbed it all and put it in a saltwater bin until my sandstorm of a tank settles. I even went with all new sand. Previously, I thought it was good to have deep sand..............but I didn't treat it like a DSB. So everything is basically new. Starting the cycle today officially. I re-introduced the rock into the tank and fired up my filter, skimmer and power heads, and dropped in the little raw shrimp. I took some pictures of it, but they are too large and I am not sure how to shrink them........but when I do I'll post em. By the way, its a 75 gallon FOWLR. Ah what a relief that I could start it up today!!


Wow...what a project! I understand how you feel...about 5 years ago I tore down all 9 of my SW tanks and sold everything. Last month I started fresh with a new SW tank...I have been married for 2 years now and my hubby has NO clue about I am on my Good luck and post pics as soon as you can!


OH yeah, the one ballast on the left side blew last night.........I called this morning to order a new one and they are sending it to me a replacement part.......those light are five years old!!!! I like those people!