Starting 75g Saltwater, I have some q's?


ok, thanks everyone for helping me, I know I have been a bit repetitive in my questions or I just don't understand much, but anyway, I am taking my freshwater fish out of their home and moving them to a 55g and I am going to set the 75g for saltwater, not sure if I want to do coral or not, but for right now no, the light is a bit on the expensive side and I don't even know what to get.
ok now, I was going to go with 40 lbs of live sand (carib-sea) and 30 lbs of aragonite also (carib-sea) is this enough or should I do more sand or aragonite?
Second, what type of mechanical filtration, I have two 350 bio-wheel filters on there now, should i transfer that along with my fish and get new filters? millennium 3000 maybe? do i need one or two?
Third I really wanted to go with the HOB skimmer/refugium with light, is this good to have? everyone is saying to go with the undertank 20g and up but I'm not sure. I guess this relates back to the mechanical filtration question, If I only need one millennium 3000 then I was going to run with the 5 gallon HOB refugium/skimmer. I really dont know I am just trying to find out what a good filtration setup would be, not great or best, just good enough so I can keep my nitrates around zero no more then 5.


what is a good depth of a sandbed, I hear four inches is the best but do I actually need to go that deep, I won't be housing any coral for a long time


As for sand, I think 2-3 inches is good. I've always kept a sand bed in all my saltwater tanks at about 2 inches. I used to have an 84 gal with two bio wheel filters on it and it worked fine with that. I never had any problems with the water with the sand bed and having two filters. I'm in the process of setting up a reef tank too right now


ok I have two bio-wheels right now, and I found a HOB skimmer/refugium that will fit in the middle of the two filters and on each side of the glass center brace. do youn think thats good? i was going to add 90 lbs of live sand so it would make a 2.5" i think sandbed, just a matter of finding some live rock out here where i live. everyone charges around $7 lb to only one place that has a really limited amount of live rock for cheap but hes still at $4 lb and its not that great of rock