starting a 120 salt


New Member
I am new to the hobby but i think the salt water fish are amazing. I have been looking into buying a 120 and starting it up can anyone tell me a list of evrything I will need to get started


The bio filter is one of the main decisions you will have to make. The DSB (deep sand bed) and LR (live rock) is one form and the wet/dry filter is another. These are the most popular now.
Again, knowing what you want to do is a major key. Take time to research the possibilites for at least a month before you buy. When I was first getting into the hobbie a few months ago my tank set up changed every couple of weeks for quite a while because of all the new information that I found.


well I have lived and breathed saltwater for the last few weeks reading everything available!
Get a pre-drilled tank, the largest rubber maid tub that will fit under your tank in your stand, and an appropriatedly rated pump, now you will have to decide to do a reef or a fish only tank. If you want to do a Fish only, you will need to set the Sump(rubbermaid container) up as a wet/dry filter. If you are going to do a REEF, you will need to set it up as a refugium. In addition, For REEF, you will need a VHO lighting system, for Fish only you will need just regular flourescent lighting, Cost is about a $200 difference. Also I recommend going with an all glass hood, not those plastic pieces of crap. Also you will need 3 good powerheads with pre-filters. Saltwater is a completely different game than fresh water! At least that is what I am finding out! Don't forget the heaters!