Starting a 2.5g nano


I am about to start a 2.5 gallon nano reef
. I was just wondering if anyone else has done this and had some pictures? ***)


not really planning on it but if i do ill probably just put in a yellow tang or something
. No if i do put anything in it at all, maybe a clown goby, but i doubt it. Also im looking foward to the challenge


If you want a challenge, go with 3-5 dwarf seahorses in there. :happyfish


are you going to be doing a sump on it??Well if so put an auto top off on it because salinity rises quickly in a 2.5.Also do a good skimmer and i wouldnt do any fish not even a clown goby i would do some sexy shrimp and thats it.


Active Member
Yeah, I just started mine about a week ago. Doesn't actually seem as tough as everyone on here made it out to be but right now my light is right on the tank because no place on the face of the earth seems to have the mounting brackets in stock. I was really worried about it getting to hot but I had to keep turning up the heater to get it to the right temp anyways. Only complaint is that arranging rockwork sucks because of how much water your hands displaces and the small amount of space. Right now all I have in are green fuzzy grass mushrooms? This is my first attempt at a reef so I guess I will see how it goes. I don't have a sump or skimmer on it though, it's a 2.5 and I would feel stupid with that much equipment next to it. I'm anal about water changes anyways. Good luck with yours!!