Starting a 5 Gallon And i dont want to cut any corners please help me

So im starting a new tank and i have a few questions.
first of all im starting with an acrillic 5 gallon tank and drilling and making overflows to a ten gallon sump. im taking apart my 7 gallon mini bow i wish i could keep the mini bow going but i have no way of drilling it and getting water into the sump.
so to start, the 5 gallon display tank will have corals, lps and softies and i would like to do a nice bubble anenomie and one clown. its a little tight but i figured with the ten gallon sump it can handle the bio load. i drilled holes in the back of the 5 gallon tank at the water level and that will fill a box on the back that will have a 1 inch hose that will run to the sump.
the sump will be filled with live rock and live sand as will the dt. the sump will also have a protein skimmer a hob bio wheel filter, heater, and a pump to pump the water back into the dt.
sounds like i have a good plan right... heres my questions
1. i have a 32 watt pc light from the 7 gallon but im afraid it might be not enough for the corals i did get a rose bubble to split under the pcs in the 7 gallon but they didnt do well after the split and i think it was my lighting would a 70watt metal halide work if it was up a ways with the pc or should i get another 32 watt pc so i have 2 of them or should i get t5s and put the pc on the sump?
2. how big of a pump will i need. the sump will be about 3 feet bellow the dt. my idea is that the pump will flow into pvc pipe with holes drilled in it with one on either side of the tank so i wont need a power head in the tank. what will move the water enough inside the tank i was considering a 200gph pump but im afraid it will be too much movement what are your thoughts?
3. i have ten lbs of live rock that has been taken over by green hair algae. when i say taken over i mean the rock has just about disappeared. the tank only has rock and sand in it so i decided to cut the lights for a month. the grass still spread now 4 months later i have more grass than i started with how do i get rid of the grass and not completely kill off the rock?
if you have any other advice i would love to hear it. im very open so dont be afraid to tear my ideas apart.


no anemone way way to unstable for a tank like that man. i would be guesssing ur bta split in ur 7 due to stress. anemones have a fairly big bioload too and i believe in your 15gallon tank (5 gallon display + 10gallon sump) it would be too much to handle.


yep that is a good choice if i were u unless u really are set on that size tank i would go for like a 20gallon because to me anything less than 10 is considered a disaster waiting to happen
well i use to have a 55 gallon reef then i had to sell it cause i went off to college so i down sized to a 7 gallon and had that running for 3 years and one time when i went on vacation my fishsitter killed the tank. so i still have another year of school left so i cant do a huge tank so i want to build another small one that can move with me but be stable