starting a 75


New Member
my sister works in an animal hospital and i guess someone came in and gave away their aggressive 75g tank. i have a little experience with saltwater. i talked to my parents and they okayed the decision and it will be here this weekend. the tank includes...
- one eel (snowflake)
- two puffers (dogface, porcupine)
- one trigger (???)
comes with rock and sand (live)
sump, filters, ready to go....
i havent seen the tank yet so im not sure how "live" the rock and sand is.
now my first question is would i have to RE cycle the tank once it gets here?
pics and more info will be posted as i recieve... advice please

crypt keeper

Active Member
Well The trigger and puffers are going to outgrow that tank. If they are over 6 inches they have out grown it IMO.
I have moved a tank. I drained all the water into 5 gallon water jugs. Left the rock and sand in it. I then slowly poured the water back in by the same way we do our water changes. I put the jugs up high and used the vaccum method and sucked it all out back into the tank so I that I didnt disturbe the sand that much.
I acclimated my fish to my qt tank first. Waited a day and saw now jump in ammonia or trates and trites. Put the fish back in all was good.

it's chuck

If the tank was empty for any longer then a few hours it will have to cycle again same goes for the rock and sand. Just so you know everything on that list besides the SFE will outgrow that tank
P.S. check out crypt bequeathing knowledge