Starting a desktop nano!

I am starting a nano 10 gallon reef in my bedroom. I was wondering what lighting is good,what can i keep in it,and what special things do i need for nano? THANX


I have 3X32 PC on my 10 gal. I keep a colt, red & blue mushrooms, GSP, yellow polyps & various hitch hiker polyps. I also have a small short tenticle plate that is doing well under the PC's. It will need to move into a larger tank soon. At first I had 2 smart-lites & a 10K but the shrooms didn't like it so I replaced the 10K with actinic & all is well. As far as special things a nano needs; daily monitoring & maintainance. They are VERY high maintainance.
Here's my 10.


I have used CSL in the past but have gone to hellolights on another tank & will probably stay with hellolights.