Starting a NANO

What would be the most efficient and easiest to run tank. also use the less power. a 15g, 20 long, or a 14g bio cube. i would buy a 65 watt at most pc for the 15g or 20g. i have a hob filter on my 10 right now. i just want more room for my clowns and i want to be able to keep some softies and lps. Also i want the tank to be pretty stable. do i need a skimmer on any of these adn which one would need the least amount of care when it comes to water changes.
. i know this is a stupid way to start a nano but i need some input. im running and 300 gallon with no problems its just the nano seems as though it would be harder.


I would agree with your last point about the nanos being more difficult to care for...smaller tank = less room for error. It takes smaller fluctuations to create systemwide issues.
Out of your 3 choices I would personally opt for the 20g will give you the most volume and better aquascaping freedom to put in the lps and softies within safe spacing (especially if you go with any euphyllia). In addition, the 20g L will be a little shorter, making it better for your PC lighting to reach the bottom.
I don't see any reason to omit a skimmer, you should run one if that's within your budget. I know some do without one...but if you can do it I don't see anything but positive results from it.
The maintenance would involve prob a 10% water change weekly...maybe more depending on your testing results and general water quality. Not much in my opinion...if you do water changes in your 300 I am sure the process for a 20 would be a walk in the park.
Good luck

el guapo

Active Member
I am running a 14G BC and have no complaints . No skimmer . Water changes are a breeze as I just use a piece of air tube to syphon off 2 gallons a week and have 2 milk jugs of sw mixed to add to it . I haven't had any problems yet (knock on wood).