Starting a Nano?



I was wondering alot about the nano reef tanks and tanks simialr to that. Could anyone possibly tell me how difficult they are to start and keep going, or how to start on in the first place? im still looking for a tank to buy still so i am starting from scratch (bearded dragon in other tank) so anyting on the topic will be greatly appreciated!!!


Active Member
To start you'll need:
Baisc understanding of cycling process
Chemicals to test ammonia, nitrate, nitrite
Live rock (lbs dpends on what size tank you get)
Live sand (if you dont want to get a full live sand bottom, you can use argonite sand and seed it with a cup of live sand or let your live rock seed it.)
Filter (depends what size your tank is)
Heater (depends what size your tank is)
Lights (depends what kind of corals you want)
Power heads (amount depends on the size of your tank)
Nanos are apparently harder to keep, since you need to keep up with your tank maitenence and what not. Meaning 10%^ water changes every week, scrubbing algae, testing regularly for ammonia spikes and other spikes ect. Since you have less of a volume of water, you have less of a margin for error. Dont let that scare you, if you think you can keep up with the work you'll be fine. I have a 10g nano tank that has been up for around 6 months now. This is also my first saltwater tank and everything seems to be going well, so yes it is difficult and expensive, but it can be done.
The best thing to do is look at other peoples nanos, research, observe and ask lots of questions on everything you dont understand.
Then delevope a plan on how you want your tank to look and function including your stock list and compatibility of the fish inverts and corals.
Then start with adding your live rock and sand to the tank, arrange it properly so you dont have to keep arranging it. Live rock goes in first on bare glass, then live sand (this is so if you get a fish that diggs you wont have a rockslide). Also before doing this make sure you have your necessary equipment installed (heaters, filters, power heads ect.)
Then you wait for your cycle to complete. A cycle is a period you wait for benifitial bacteria to grow to take care of breaking down ammonia into nitrites, then nitrites into nitrates. Nitrates are accpeteble at a low concentration, and are considered less toxic for marine life then ammonia and nitrites(but you still want to try your hardest to get rid of all of the traces.)
You test using your chemical test kits, wait and once the cycle is complete(you'll see an ammonia spike, then itll go down to 0, then a nitrite spike, then itll go down to 0, then a nitrate spike, then it should go down 0- something I forget (it should say on the test kit)) then you add your clean up crew depending on how much algae growth you have, then your fish, then your corals(depepends on the lighting you want)
When you start to add corals then you'll need to buy a reef test kit to test for your calcium levels and other chemicals that your corals need to survive in the water.
Thats a quick way to describe things! But I stress, if everything seems like its a lot to handle YOU NEED TO RESEARCH MORE AND READ MORE ABOUT THESE THINGS BEFORE STARTING!
go slow take your time, read, read, read, ask questions, read some more then purchase!


Ok well here is a question about the nano tanks, if i were going to get say 10-15g tank, how many fish+coral would i be able to have in it? im wanting clown fish, since they are really pretty, so what would be good fish to go with a pair? just wondering and how long should i let it cycle before adding clowns or corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Deadly_Legend http:///forum/post/3149708
Ok well here is a question about the nano tanks, if i were going to get say 10-15g tank, how many fish+coral would i be able to have in it? im wanting clown fish, since they are really pretty, so what would be good fish to go with a pair? just wondering and how long should i let it cycle before adding clowns or corals?
Depends how much swimming space you have.
I have a 10g tank and I had 3 fish in it.
First 2 clowns
and a linned blenny
then a clown jumped, so I bought a clown goby, but now that has dissapeared so I only have a clown and a linned blenny left.
For corals it all depends how much room you're going to have to give them, because of their stingers.
I have candy cane, frogspwn, pulsing xenia, ast. zoas, hairy mushrooms, red favia, red gorg. , and a sun coral. I think thats all of them?
Check out my thread


Active Member
For the price your going to pay for pump, lights, heater etc.... you should just get a nano cube or bio cube what ever suits your fancy. The units come with everything you need but the heater which is pretty inexspensive, get a thermometer and your ready to go. I am brand new to this hobby, I've had no other experience with swf or fwf and I am doing great so far
. You just have to ask tons of questions! lol.
I have a 24g JBJ nano-cube and I love it, I think its the best thing for a beginner. Or if you want to scale it down go for the 12g.
As long as you have a lfs that does water tests you don't even need to get test kits if money is tight and they will be able to walk you through your initial cycle. Get a book like "salt water for dummies" and get a jist of what you need to do and your golden!
Good Luck!!!
Here's my thread which I only started in August and you can see how much I have advanced really easily through the past couple months


How much was the biocube (if i can ask that) becasue im not wanting something tooo small, but i cant afford too big either lol, well, atm i cant afford anything since no where will ire me still, but i will soon i hope, im just wondering how much the Must haves are then work my way to fish and creatures


Active Member
I think there from 200 - 500, but im not to sure. I also think you have to do a lot of modifications to them still, change the lights if you want soemthing better ect.
I paid about $1000 for my 10g tank equipment and Live rock/ Live sand(CANADAIN not AMERICAN)
I got overkill of equipment for my size of a tank, thats why it was a little more expensive.
My equipment I have in a 10g tank is:
Heater - 50 watt stealth heater ($30)
Filter - Filstar XP1 rated for 50g I think (over kill) ($250 around)
Powerheads - 2 karolina nanno PH ($100)
Lighting - current 2x40watt power compact, with lunar light ($350)
Refugium - "18 hang on back (optional but good to have costed me avout $150, you can also modd a hang on back filter at a refurium, itll just be smaller)
Live rock - 8lbs premium figi ($8.00/lb)
Live sand - 1 inch sand bed ($40)
Cheato for refugium - ($12 i think)
keep in mind all the equipment seems a little more expensive in Canada also


Active Member
24 gallon JBJ Nano-Cube is what I got for I think 250 with heater 270. Thats all you need, lights, pump, filter medias, surface skimmer all included so just go stock until you can do better. Its got everything you need except for water, sand, rock, and animals. Though once you add fish, corals, cuc, and such you will be in the thousands of dollars, no way around it
. For everything you see in my tank I would say I am about to hit 1 grand.


Originally Posted by Katsafados
grand on a 24g thats it??????!?!?!?!?!?
Try 3g on a 10g loll!
Kat! Your kidding me! You spent that much on your 10? I only broke like $600 on mine before I combined my two tanks! Wow! It really amazes me how much of a budget I'm on when I see how much others have spent. But I get most of my stuff (corals, equip) for free or used for a really good price. Man-o-man.


Active Member
Yup its true haha..
I think everything is a lot more expensive in Canada, thats why I'm up there. I also dont know many people doing saltwater tanks, so I cant really get deals and what not, plus I bought all my equipment new (dont like using used stuff).
The 3g's was over time, so it didnt hit my wallet all at once.


Ok well, i dont know the forum rules about grave digging and what the time restraint is on that, but i have been reading the threads for about a month and a half and i have learned alot actually, probably more than i have at school, but i was wondering if this is a good stock list for a 29g biocube, no, i dont have the tank yet, so this is just a wish list type thing, so when i do eventually get some money to start it up i will have a list to start with

so this is what i was thinking:
2 False Percula Clownfish
2 Tail spot Blennies
2 Fire fish
10-20 hawaiian zebra crabs (cuc)
1 (maybe 2) cleaner shrimp (cuc)
and to start with corals:
Green apple cap coral
candy cane
green spotted mushroom
So granted this is just a starting list for things, i was just wondering what you all would change about it, add, take away, all that jazz. will be a long and slow adding process, and as of right now, starting process, but thanks again for any responses


Active Member
I would ditch the angel from the list. Otherwise with some good husbandry you should be fine.


alright, i will remove the angel, would you reccomend anything to replace it? like a smaller fish of some sort? or just leave the list as is and just work on corals after i get the fish?


Active Member
the fish you have there will be great already. except i will do one tailspot blenny and add a nice cardinal or sixline will be nice.
as in coral in softies or LPS will be fine.
anymore question please dont worry not to ask.
here my email just in case i dont reply fast


well i was completely wrong on my estimates for lR and LS, i googled it and looked at multple sites and they all gave me the same formula (turns out i should have 43lbs. LR and 42lbs. Live sand), so now my wish-list stock list is basicaly complete with the exception of a few prices :D now all i need to do is get the tank and begin, and while its cycleing continue researching