Starting a Nanocube


Hello All,
I have just ordered a 12 gal Nanocube for my 11 y.o. daughter. She wanted to start her own reef and I got one on ----, but it arrived shattered!! I did salvage the live sand, power head, light, and all the supplies that the seller had included, so this turned out to be a profit, since the seller refunded me my money! The nanocube is perfect for her because it is small and self contained. I have read some postings in here that people have had some probs with water quality and clarity. I run a totally "natural" system in my 90 gallon reef. I have a 30 gal refugium that is full of live rock and live sand, and use R.O water. That is what replaced my Tidepool 2 that came with the system. I have had no water issues, and my coral, fish and inverts all grow well. I am planning on doinf pretty much the same to the nanocube, putting a nice deep sand bed of some live sand cultures from my tank, and grabbing some chunks of live rock frags that I fill my refugium with to use as her filtration. What do you all think?

barry cuda

That's exactly what my wife is doing in the nanocube she's cycling right now. Too early to tell if she'll have any issues, but she says her research shows a lot of people with nanocubes do the same thing. For a great resource on recommended mods to nanocubes, go to a site in the domain for commercial websites with nano, a dash, and reef in the name (if that's not clear enough while still avoiding the prohibition on links, let me know :D).


I don't think I'd go with a deep sand bed on a Nano Cube simply because adding 4 to 5 inches of sand takes to much water away from the Cube! I think have 1 to 2inches thoughout my tank and that seems to work fine when it comes to filtering what for what the snails need.
You should check "" which is the real experts hang out when it comes to Nano Reefs!