Starting a Phyto culture


Active Member
you should start with a single strain, otherwise over time they will compete and all but one will die out.


How do you know when it is time to split the culture. Can you do it whenever you want. From the way I understand it, the longer you wait the more potent it is. Will it crash if I wait to long or not long enough?


Active Member
where are you?
there is a school in connecticut that breeds phyto, and he supposedly has the ability to ship it.
you'll know when to split it because it will be so dense compared to when you stared, but they also make a little dipper that tells you the concentration.
look up algagen if you wanna get completely set up.
a spiral bulb isn't that ideal, i'll try to take a pic of my setup later :)


I am in Louisville Ky. I went ahead and ordered a few disks form Florida aqua farms. I have been reading a lot on Melev's page about how to set everything up. Only thing I am missing is the light and am not sure what direction I am going to go.


I just started doing my own on the 19th w/ DT'S--we'll see how it goes. I might have started w/ too much DT's --I split a big bottle --think 30 ml into two 2 liter soda bottles. It was very dark to start with.


I just finished up my culture station. Everything is in the mail and I will soon be growing phyto. Hopefully!!!


Looking for some help.
Every day I go check the culture and it seem that my water is clear. I do notice that there is green gunk at the bottom and it seems that there is more and more of that every day. But I have to stir it up for my water to look green any at all. Is this normal?


Well, last night I had my first successful culture that I split. I think I have it down pat. I am still trying to figure out how much I should dose?