starting a shark tank or aggressive tank. :) same thing?


i have a new 140gallon fish tank. im gettting a 40gallon sump. im going to have sharks/eels/rays/ other fish that will be fine with these dudes. what setup should i have like skimmer. etc.


like 7ft long im guessing 2 feet white im not sure.. at all.. pretty sure its 7 feet though, its at my other house


Active Member
Youre about a foot too shy in each direction for a more active shark. You could do an eppaulette, bamboo or coral catshark. As far as rays, I suggest either a Cali, Cortez or bluespot. NOT the bluespotted ribbontail, the dasyatis kuhlii bluespotted ray. Run a search for some pics.
As far as equipment, buy as much and as big as you can afford. Dont skimp and try to get your flow rate from your wet/dry to 1000 gal/hr to ensure oxygenation. Get a good canister filter, large skimmer and UV sterilizer if you want to go over the top. Welcome to aggressive and good luck.

tony detroit

Active Member
They outgrow rather quickly in small tanks. Go with an 8' by 30'' tank footprint if you can. I know this isn't always possible, but if you can longer and wider is certainly much better.


Active Member
Theres not anything you can do about it. Theres no way to have a healthy shark with a stumped growth rate. Even my bamboo grows 2" a month.


thats too small of a tank for a shark, you need a 180+ for even the smallest shark. And all marine fish will keep growing until either they hit max size or die from the stress of being too big in a small tank.