Starting a Tank


i have a 125 gallons tank and y i am stuck in my cycling
my amonia is 0
my nitrate is 2
my nitrite is 6
and ph is 7.7 how can i rise it
salinity is acurate
also if i put an emperor angel juvenile and an anularis angel juv at the same time could they live in peace?
help!!! :happy:


Active Member
Whoa there. Seems like your jumping the gun a little bit. Just a few questions for you:
How was the tank cycled? (raw shrimp, damsels, etc.)
How long did the tank cycle for?
During the cycling did you see a fluctation in water parameters?
What is the actual salinity?
Do you have good water movement in the tank?
Is the top of tank covered with glass? open?
pH can be raised in a number of different ways. Mainly increasing gas exchange (having an open/egg crate top), water circulation, etc. I wouldn't use any buffers to raise the pH unless you can test for both alkalinity and pH seperately. I would review the following thread for more info:
A good/quick pH thread
OH, BTW!....I wouldnt add either of those fish right off the bat. Save yourself some time, headache, and $$ by not doing that. Having any angel in a new tank is not a good idea. They thrive off algae and your LR, and being that your tank is new you probably don't have much of either. If you do, then I'd suspect that the LR is probably not established enough to support any angel for a substantial period of time.