Starting a tank

shimmy yaz

New Member
I am looking into starting a salt water tank and I was wondering what everyones suggestions were on what particular products to buy and exactly what all equipment I will need. I am going to be using a 55 gallon tank.I want ls, lr, coral and a nice variety of fish. Pictures with explanations of peoples tanks would be greatly appreciuated as I really wanna see how other people have their tanks setup.


I started with aragonite carribean sand that was much cheaper and seeded the top layer with pure live sand , lr can vary from cured and uncured , as i went with uncured and during the tanks cycle let the rock cure .
go with good powerheads for circulation as you do not want dead spots in your tank .
A good protein skimmer
at least 100w heater that is reliable , i always have 1 for a back-up.
I heard the emporer 400 makes a good bio- wheel filter , but have never actually used it ..
lights are the big $$$ as a lot of coral need strong light source as lebowski was saying . MH , VHO , PC your choice .
the above is jmo , so good luck in saltwater ...... :)