Starting all over again!!!!

I have 125 gallon fowlr. I just traded my 8 inch mappa puffer in three days ago. All was left was is 10 turbo's and a sand sifting star. I tried to do a 50 gallon water change. I premixed the water two days prior. On sunday since I only have one heater I stared to heat the water water 11 A.M. At 3 I stated to clean and remove the old water. At 6 I begain to add the new water.
To my surprise the water was still ice cold because it's stored on my inclosed porch(cold). So I begain heating the water 5 gallons at a time. At 12 midnight I still had 20 gallons left. So I left it for the next day.
In the morning I filled the tank back up and left for work. When I got home all the inverts were DEAD. The l/r looked pretty bad covered in sand and I guess I'm back to the beginning.
Any suggestion or comments would be great.


Let me give you some more advice, put a heater in your tube of makeup water also a power head blowwing bubbles in your water just test the saltinty and let it sit for two days and you sould be ok. No more than 10-15% once aweek is your max on H2O changes.
I going to get an extra heater and powerhead tomorrow. I knew this all along, I guess it takes a day like this to make me stop being so cheap!


Dont worry im starting allover too.
My lasat fish died in today after i came back from school.