starting coral


New Member
i have an established 75gal tank - in it i have about 80lbs of live rock, 90 lbs of live sand, my "fish" include: 2 gobies, 2 pistol shrimp, 2 small damsels, 2 small clowns, a blenny, and cleaning crew of hermits, smails, and a arrow crab.
i am really looking for some color in the tank and thought corals could be the answer.
should i try this and if so, what do i need to know so I do not damage them?


Active Member
I wouldn't add anymore fish, and might consider adding some more LR too.
If you're getting started with corals I would recommend Zoanthids, Mushrooms, or Leathers. They're all very tolerant of mediocre water conditions.
What type of lighting do you have? How many watts?


New Member
i dont have the readings on the nitrates with me.
my lighting is an Coralife Aqualight at 4x65 watts - so 260w. it has a combo of 2 Actinic lights and 2 10,000K compact fluorescent lights.


Active Member
You can keep most soft corals.
Please get your nitrates and other water params under control before adding corals.